Do you sometimes living in your house

Do you sometimes living in your house, bungalow, flat, and so bored? Many people have tired to do it all in the same house. Move away to a beach house or far away is nice, but it is not enough. Life with the birds, squirrels, insects and other animals is amazing on the tops of the trees. You can make a tree construction. Perhaps you have long stems with thick trees on your farm.
A tree house will you be surprised, not only as a mother, but also your children. Tree houses are now very popular and are certainly happy to build one. When you browse different designs, only on the Internet. The architectural design is and they look beautiful. Before a tree house construction, read the following tips:
* Hire a Certified Professional in order to inspect the trees: a tree house for the man is like a bird house. It was built as a true home. Even if a house foundation is provided, an expert needs a green light to give. Do the same for your tree house. There is a great risk if the tree or trees is not strong enough. You do not want your friends and family in danger. A perfect tree has thick, strong trunk and branches. They are too easily withstand heavy weight. Some of these branches should be parallel to the ground. A good tree has strong roots deep into the ground. Some of the experts must be considered by the task of harmful insects that damage and weaken the tree.
* Get a good design: There are three ways to get a great design. First, surf the Internet, because many images from different locations have tree house designs. Second, you can become an expert builder, you can find in your area now. Finally, you can do it yourself, especially if you develop the skills. Good design should take the form of a tree that you plan to build a house to fill. It must also please your eyes and other people. The design you choose must match the tree measurements.
* Building a platform: building a tree house is risky, because you can easily fall. Make sure that some pieces of wood is at the root of a nail unit. Create a stable platform for a few nail boards together two or more branches. The branches should be close together. If you can sit, stand on the platform, without fear, then you have it right.
* Think of the element of weight if you have a tree house construction, to add always taking into account the weight. You have to use the different types of wood, but it should light. The more weight you add, the home is risky. Even the furniture that you will keep in the house must be hard. Plastic chairs is better. But you need not fear. If you are an expert in your area, risks that caused by extreme pressure on the branches can be avoided.

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