Long Beach Island And Beach House Resort, New Jersey

The Jersey shore is a favorite vacation destination for many Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey residents. It is within a few hours' drive of millions of people. Most of the residents in these areas would all be happy to get away from the humid, hot summertime weather inland and trade it for time at the beach. The cool ocean breeze, a chance to swim in the ocean and towns full of amenities for summer visitors are all combine to make the beach in New Jersey a magnet for tourism. One of the many destinations at the shore is the close to twenty-miles of barrier beach found on Long Beach Island.

The island is made up many small communities. Each has its own distinctive personality. There are quiet residential communities with large homes, few shops and no hotels. You can also find more bustling areas where there are shopping areas, an amusement park and a number of hotels. The northern and southern tips provide some undeveloped areas that offer exciting views of natural coastal habitats. These natural areas are today quite rare on Long Beach Island and anywhere along the New Jersey coast. And select beach house resort

The vast majority of visitors to Long Beach Island, or LBI as it is commonly known, enjoy what you would think of as a classic summer beach visit activities. The top of the list would simply be relaxing and enjoying the beach. Another is enjoying eating out at some of the area restaurants. You can also find fresh seafood to take home and cook yourself. There is a lot more to do here besides such classic things too.

You can surf fish or pay to be taken out by a local captain to fish in the ocean. There are very well done plays offered at a local theater. The birdwatching is fabulous at the wildlife refuge at the southern tip of the island. You can visit and walk up to the top of the historic lighthouse at the northern end of LBI, giving you a great view of the coast, Barnegat Bay and Island Beach State Park. The Maritime Museum and the Historical Museum provide fascinating glimpses of life as it once was along the coast and on LBI. Commercial fishing is still being practiced here and you can learn about the local industry by visiting the fishing co-op. Barnegat Bay separates Long Beach Island from the mainland and offers its own array of activities and enjoyable attractions. Boating and jet skiing, crabbing and fishing and taking in the lovely sunsets over the bay are all popular pastimes.

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