Climbing on trees

Climbing on trees, picking fruit and playing in tree houses always fassineer children. It is making too much fun, your own tree house building, when a child. The images will remain forever in your memory and it is really something special. As a father you try to build a tree house with your children their childhood stage to be specific. There are several tree house ideas to create a beautiful tree house is.
Planning: First, you must have a plan in place for a house. You need to find out what would build the tree house. They have designed to outline the house and is probably the size of the house. You must have needed the materials and tools for the House to decide. Then there is furniture that will go into the house. All these things are before you start work with the construction of a tree house.

Selection of tree: The most important thing is that your tree house to be very strong and secure. Because the tree must be rugged. You can not build house on a tree, as long as it is ripe and strong. It is a good idea to build your house on a maple tree. With the change of seasons and climate of the tree should be able to keep house for good. The other thing you need to ensure that the tree free from dangerous insects and reptiles.
The design: The next step is to design the house. You should, ideally, a good sketch of the house on a paper with the precise measurements of the work is very simple. To determine the size of the house, whether you want to be a house with one room or two rooms. It will also depend on the tree you've selected. You need a proper picture of your house including the placement of the room and measurements.
Material: If you are looking at material from your tree house construction, first try and get as many people as possible in your farm. It is a better idea than directly hit the market and the purchase of more expensive materials. When you get your house to save them cost and effort. Try and use only solid material to build your house. This house is a long time. Maybe to enjoy many of your future generations.
Color: The next step is to decide on the colors of the house. Add color to all the defense can stand and do not fade so quickly. You've got the perfect choice for your children. You are more than prepared to make that choice and it is also the love to the house on their own color. Such a tree house ideas are an important part of a child grows. This house will belong to the children, she said that she had in the color component. You can monitor if they do this work.
Problem: The last part would be dealing with furniture and decoration. It is again the domain of the children and leave them be. Allow them to steal what they want it to things and how it can make itself comfortable. Well, I have all the tree house to share ideas with you, you should seriously think about building one for your children.

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