Visiting Luanda, the Most Expensive City in the World

This city is not the most famous in the world. Not like New York, Tokyo or Vienna. But one city in Africa has been twice crowned as the most expensive city in the world version of Mercer, a human resources consulting firm.

A high-class professional expatriate can earn $ 10,000 a month in this city. If you are a banker, prepare to receive a salary of US $ 8 thousand a month. Domestic servants alone earn no less than US $ 500 per month.

Large brand outlets crowded, for example Hugo Boss who opened his second store just within walking distance of the first store. On the streets, luxury cars side by side. Porsche Cayennes shares the road with the latest Cadillac Escalades and Range Rover.

Looks interesting to be a place to stay is not it? The CNN Travel page explains some of the contexts that make Luanda the most expensive city in the world.

First, because Luanda is the capital of Angola, the second largest oil-producing country. Power generation and economic growth are rising as the world's oil prices skyrocket. Not only that, everything in Luanda had to be imported.

The reason, the city is one of the 'victims' 27 years of civil war that just ended 2002 ago. All infrastructures are paralyzed and Luanda loses the ability to self-sufficiency in food. Are all goods imported, of course accompanied by high taxes?

The monopoly of the supply chain and the presence of political forces make the prices of goods and services sky high. Not to mention the corruption scandal, which creates collusion pricing reaches the highest point.

Luanda's income is not just that. They still have hotels that also fix high prices. Last night, you have to spend US $ 500 for a five star hotel. Below that, prices range from US $ 300-350. The mid-level lodgings cost US $ 300-350.

However, do not think Luanda is a too horrible city to visit. The city is still quite friendly to travelers, as long as you are clever to find interesting locations to visit. For the hotel, does not need the grandiose ask for five stars? Just prepare US $ 300 to stay at Executive Hotel Samba. The price was worth it for the facilities there.

Step out of the hotel; do not imagine you are in Hong Kong. Although the density and number of famous branded outlets are similar, the price may differ greatly. You'd better head to the suburbs to enjoy Luanda's natural exoticism. Mingling with the locals.

Not many are the city parks and museums that you will find. But walking along Marginal can replace it. Marginal is an interesting location stretching from the local port to Ilha, a gorgeous peninsula jutting into Luanda Bay.

From there you can see the beauty of a whitewashed Portuguese castle situated on a hill. The fort was standing firmly facing the city, witnessing the dynamics of life there. If you are interested, you can go up that hill and find a museum of armed forces.

The beach can also be the best destination in Luanda. There is a very remote island that is well worth a visit, namely Mussulo Island. The bungalows are comfortable on one side and the beach is beautiful on the other side. Simply spend $ 5 to rent a vehicle to get there from Embarcadouro Pier.

Or, if you are a lover of natural beauty in the form of a cliff, drive 40 kilometers to Miradouro da Lua. Cliffs, peaks and valleys will welcome you. The beautiful silence was enhanced by the ranks of the Baobab tree and the vast expanse of savannas.

As for surf lovers, make sure the beach in southern Luanda becomes your destination. Cabo Ledo beach is the best place to surf.

Before returning to the middle of the city, do not forget to taste some typical Luanda food. Mufete is one that is worth a try. It is a blend of local peanuts braised with palm oil, roasted tilapia, onion sauce, sweet potatoes, and yucca. It costs about US $ 17....

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