Beach house resort : World's Most Expensive Hotels

Beach house resort : In the summer of each year, many tourists in various countries are planning a vacation to places that store the natural beauty that is so seductive eyes. Certainly times like these business premises being sold-sweetness, saw the potential of the inn, which certainly will be a major requirement of the tourists. Of course, the need for such accommodation adapted to pocket owned by tourists. Did you ever imagine but some tourists were able to spend hundreds of millions overnight to rent a luxury hotel room to enjoy the summer? Roughly hotel what and where, and what facilities are provided to the travelers had to spend a considerable cost? This he summary of the most expensive hotel rooms ever. Beach house resort

Hotel President Wilson Beach house resort

Ever thought of spending $ 65,000 a night to stay at a hotel? Yes, luxury hotel located in Geneva, Switzerland has a fantastic rate that is 65,000 dollars, money that could be used to buy at least a German luxury car output. Luxury amenities that you can enjoy while staying at this hotel is the door armored, bulletproof windows, a private elevator leading to the rooms, access to the helicopter pad. Beach house resort

Lagionissi Resort Beach house resort

Despite being hit until the bankruptcy case will be an independent country outside the European continent, Greece turned out to save an exceptional lodging expensive. Just imagine spending a night in this resort, you have to spend at least 47,000 US Dollars or approximately half a billion. However the cost is equivalent to the facility will be like being picked up by private jet, get a private chef, a personal fitness trainer to private piano player. And more cool again room is in the room also features a swimming pool. Wow! Beach house resort

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