Beach house resort : The best Underwater hotel in the world

Beach house resort : At present, most of us could already enjoy a comfortable life. In that sense, not living freely in the wild such as antiquity. They roam among trees and rocks. Beach house resort,

Now we can have his own room, complete with blankets and kept warm. However there are times where we want something new, outside of the habit. Because of that, there are some people who take the time to get out. Whether camping, mountain climbing plunged over a cliff, etc. Beach house resort,

Such circumstances appear to be read carefully by the businessmen, especially those in the field of hospitality. They no longer use the multilevel buildings in the Centre of the city as the location of the repository place effort. Some thus embody the idea of "underwater". Beach house resort,

However the hotel of this type thus cannot be viewed lightly. The glory could be more of a star hotel "on land". Moreover, they offer a "bonus" is a memorable experience that is hard. Beach house resort,

Then, wherever such underwater hotel? Here we describe a list of the best underwater hotel in the world. Beach house resort,

1. The LOVERS of DEEP, St. LUCIA Beach house resort,

This hotel is so popular. He is like a submarine's holiday special. To enjoy this place, we must prepare the money as much as 150 thousand dollars per night. Because the face is great, the hotel is so one of the most expensive in the world. But that price is certainly not pegged for any reason. The atmosphere could not be found in any place, the rooms are soundproof, there are waitresses and chefs are on hand, etc. Beach house resort,


Actually the Jules Undersea Lodge is already opened to the public in 1986. This place could only be achieved once we dive deep as 21 feet or about 6.5 meters. For those who cannot dive, no need to worry. We will get a crash course for 3 hours. So, we like to find an "escape" from the most appropriate routines that dull. Something that interrupts, or rather accompany poise, is merely the creatures of the sea crossing. Beach house resort,


The hotel is located on level 19 mountains Tianmenshan. It is located about 30 miles from Shanghai. Two floors at the base could be categorized as "underground". There is a restaurant and guest room facing out, into the glass-walled large aquarium. The hotel is surrounded by interesting sights also offers other interesting things on the guests. There are water sports, rock climbing and bungee jumping or some sort of free-fall that will test our adrenaline. Beach house resort,

4. The UTTER INN, SWEDEN Beach house resort,

Provide money more or less 75 dollars for the night here. There, we can enjoy the sensation of two works of art Mikael Genberg. The stop is located on Lake Malaren provides one room on top of the water. The other room is 10 feet 3 meters around / under water. Both are connected by stairs. To get here, we must ship from the port of Vasteras. In the room "under water", we cannot expect sophisticated facilities. There exist only two mattresses and a desk. However there are Windows on all four sides. With the "connector" towards marine life, we will feel very close to the typical creatures of the sea. There's a selection of "deluxe", which will give us the dinner special. Beach house resort,

It is located in the coastal area of Zanzibar. Maybe we will think about if its design is similar to Utter Inn. Fair enough, because the designer still Mikael Genberg. 13 ft or approximately 4 meters below the surface, there are three levels. At sea level, there is a deck that provides a lounge area and a bathroom. On the roof there's a place for sunbathing during the day and place to observe the stars at night. While in the lower levels of available double bed and views of the underwater surely make us relax. Beach house resort,

6. ATLANTIS THE PALM, DUBAI Beach house resort,

Want to place a strange, luxurious and impressive? We can go to Dubai. There are 2 suite options that we can consider; Poseidon or Neptune. Both lead to the Ambassador Lagoon, a large number of sea creatures around 65000 type and the ruins of a sunken city. Very impressive. No wonder if Dubai is already so one of the many recommended tourist destinations of people. Beach house resort,

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