Beach house resort : Maldive, paradise beaches Beautiful for Holidays

Beach house resort : Maldive or Maldives became one of the most popular tourist destinations for honeymoon. Not only offers beautiful beaches, but the soft white sand is very attractive. Even David Beckham just takes his family on vacation here. That's the sign of this place saves a lot of tourist attractions, especially marine tourism skyline. Create a reference; this time would love to know the famous beaches are so reliable Maldive to attract foreign tourists. Let us consider them one by one. Beach house resort

Cocoa Island beach Beach house resort

Found in Cocoa Island, this exotic beach subscribed to foreign tourists who want to enjoy nautical atmosphere plus pass the time while surrounded by white sand. Its clear waters make this place ideal for scuba diving. Not only that, the location is close to Kandooma Channel and Guraidhoo Channel allows you to watch marine animals vary widely. To stay also no need to be alarmed because this place is available Cocoa Island Resort which provides spa facilities and yoga? So, this place is really suitable for you who want to relax while dipping feet with captivating ocean views. Beach house resort
Nika Island Beach house resort

Surrounded by coral reefs and sea grass shallow, Nika Island filled with sunlight, soft sand and clear water that looks sparkling. This place was perfect once for scuba diving, snorkeling as well as those who wanta 'sun bath' while being surrounded by the atmosphere of the beach is so comfortable. Almost no flow of seawater on the beach, meaning swimmers and divers can enjoy the underwater environment safely. In the evening, travelers can enjoy a unique culinary Maldive which has a different flavor. Get away for a moment from real life to enjoy the island's fantastic to be the reason why many tourists foot on the island of Nika. Beach house resort

Vabbinfaru Islands Beach house resort

As a shelter in a tropical setting, Vabbinfaru offers beaches with romantic impression as well as some gorgeous villa that exudes an amazing luster. Surrounded by beautiful coral and colorful fish, the beaches there are also suitable for snorkeling and scuba diving. Not only that, there is also a restaurant that offers delicious international food and travelers can eat while housed within the stars that shine at night. So, here travelers will have lots of fun while relaxing activity. Marine life conservation and research based on the presence of Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru will make many fans of marine animals linger stayed in Vabbinfaru Islands. View spectacular, fun activities, food spoiling Lindah and perfect for relaxation makes Vabbinfaru not to be missed for tourists who vacation in the Maldives. Beach house resort
Landaa Giraavaru Beach house resort

Landaa Giraavaru, also often referred to Landaa Giraavaru, is an island in the Coral Island Baa who became a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. The place is located in the luxurious Four Seasons resort since 2006. The place is always ogled travelers, especially for those who like the marine life. Landaa Giraavaru is surrounded by white sandy beaches with coral for sprawling. The water is calm and shallow making it favored by fans of scuba diving while swimming with turtles, mantas and whale sharks. Beach house resort

Island Vaadhoo Beach house resort

Vaadhoo become one of the uninhabited islands in Raa Coral Island. Its population reached 500 people and became one of the most popular places for travelers who want to enjoy a natural phenomenon. Why? Because the place is popularly known as 'Sea of Stars' by the presence of phytoplankton, known as din flagellates and has properties bioluminescene, or emit light. This phenomenon does not happen every day, so luckily they were able to see this beautiful phenomenon. A phenomenon in which visible glow at night the waves washed up to the shore. Beach house resort

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