Beach house resort : Turkish Most Colorful World

Beach house resort : The beach is not only synonymous with white sand alone. 7 The beach in this world has its own color and become the most unique in the world. There is a beach in red, yellow, to the beach which has colorful glass stones.Beach house resort

7 Beaches in the world is not an ordinary beach. When it comes to it, you will be amazed disbelief. Each coast has a distinctive color and may be difficult to find elsewhere. Reported by the Huffington Post, the following seven most colorful beaches in the world: Beach house resort

Red Beach, Greece Beach house resort
In the southern part of Santorin, Greece is no beach that looks red as the name implies. This is the Red Beach is never empty of traffic world traveler who come to sunbathe. Beach house resort

The color red in this beach comes from the remnants of lava rocks containing iron from a volcanic eruption 3,000 years ago. The beach is crescent-shaped and has towering cliffs. During the day, the red color of the beach and cliffs visible. Beach house resort

Rainbow Beach, Australia Beach house resort

Australia has Rainbow Beach which is located around 150 km north of Brisbane. The uniqueness of this beach is a 198 meter high cliff has got around 72 colors! Beach house resort

According to the study, colorful cliffs pigments derived from plants are submerged in a cliff since the ice age. Rock style with the colors to be captured by the camera. This is one of the natural wonders of the world. Beach house resort

Waianapanapa State Park, Hawaii Beach house resort

It's no secret that the Centre has many beaches with unique contours and different. In Maui there Waianapanapa State Park which is a pebble beach with black rocks. Yes, not sand but rocks! Beach house resort
The pebble stones are remnants of volcanic lava cool happened in hundreds of years ago. Although the black-colored beaches, the waters around its shores and clear blue. You can snorkel or swim around its shores. Beach house resort

Darnley Beach, Canada Beach house resort

Who would have thought, apparently in this world there is a beach which has a brick red color. Come to Prince Edward Island in Canada, there is no Darnley Beach which had large rocks with a unique formation of red brick. Beach house resort

No rock was shaped like a curved tower. Investigate a investigate; apparently content of iron in the rocks in Darnley Beach is very high. Thus, resulting brick red color. Cool! Beach house resort

Harbour Island, Bahamas Beach house resort

Apparently, the Bahamas has a twin like Pink Beach on the island of Komodo. Is Harbour Island, an island that has pink beaches along 4.3 km with a width of 50-100 meters? Beach house resort

The color comes from the Foraminifera celled animals that live on the seabed. The animal away by the waves so that the colors blend shell with beach sand. A unique, traveler could ride a horse that pink in Harbour Island. Beach house resort

Ramla Bay, Malta Beach house resort

Ramla Bay in Gozo Island, Malta has sand orange. The Turkish precisely located on the north island of Gozo and a favorite place of the traveler for sunbathing. Beach house resort

Nevertheless, the beach does not have many bars or restaurants. Thus, a traveler who came there should bring their own food. When the sun was scorching-hot, the color of sand beaches actually looks orange. Beach house resort

Glass Beach, USA Beach house resort

One of the most unique beaches in the world is Glass Beach in California, USA. This beach has colorful glass stones and sparkling. As the name implies, Glass Beach is a beach with sand glass. Beach house resort

Initially, in the 20th century this beach is the garbage disposal area, ranging from bottles, household appliances, to cars. Through a long process, waves at this beach managed to change garbage into a rocks glass. Beach house resort

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