Andorra, Homely Small Country

Andorra, a small country flanked by two French and Spanish nations. Saves an earthy beauty that makes it different from other European countries.

Paradise Shopping Europe

Andorra la Vella is the capital of Andorra. Being at an altitude of 1,000-1,200 above sea level. In winter this place is crowded with tourists, especially from Spain and France. Here they can enjoy snow and skiing as much. When visiting in the summer, we will not meet snow in Andorra.

However, no need to be disappointed because in addition to paradise skiing, Andorra is also a shopping paradise. Items sold are non-taxable. Hence the price can be more tilted. Especially in the warm season, Andorra lodging prices are cheaper. Our star hotel room for example, cost about 60 euros night the currency is euro.

In the center of Andorra la Vella, goods sold are very varied. Small shops dominate. Most shops sell small electronic appliances. Start smartphones, tablet pc, toy gadgets, fans, blenders, and cameras. Clothes, branded handbags, watches, gold jewelry, shoes, and perfumes, are also often raided by buyers. In Andorra, branded goods are sold cheaper. Sold in official stores and department stores, so buyers are confident of its authenticity. Electronic goods also have an international warranty.

Andorra la Vella's Old Town

As the capital of the country, Andorra la Vella population is less than 23 thousand inhabitants. The extent was only about 30 sq. Km. In addition to the shopping center, not many tourist destinations in the capital. So I walked to the old town. The most famous buildings in the old city are the church of Sant Esteve and Casa de la Vall. Esglesia de Sant Esteve is located right near the old town entrance of Placa Princep Benlloch. He has stood since the 11th century BC, Romanic style on one side. The stone tower is visible from the bottom of the Andorra la Vella valley. This church can be accessed free of charge at the hour.

The ancient looking Casa de la Vall stone building is actually the Andorra parliament building. This building is not too big, three-story and wooden windows. Outside it have reliefs and sculptures. From its vast courtyard we can gaze down the valley floor and the surrounding green mountains. Enter in the front; I see ancient chairs and tables. A small banner explains the brief history of Andorra's parliament in both English and Spanish. There is a special tour in order to see the inside of the building.

Hiking in Rec Del Sola

The most famous sights here are the Rec del Sola and the Rec de l'Obac, both of which are the canals that drain water from the springs above Andorra la Vella. The side of the canal is then made into sidewalks and wooden fences. Be a fun place for short hiking for anyone. The length of each road is about 2.5 km.

The green leafy mountain of trees rose from all directions. Wooden villas appeared between the dense trees. Stone cliffs adorn the surface of the mountain. Down below, the capital has not yet shown any significant activity fluctuations. The sun began to appear among the mountains. Small gardens owned by the population looks fertile planted with various vegetables. The roadside funnel turned out to be an open channel about half a meter wide. The water is clear and cold. In some places there is a warning in Spanish. It seemed to notice that it was drinking water. Every now and then I meet the local people who walk around in the morning.

La Margineda Bridge

In the morning before leaving Andorra, I had a chance to visit an old bridge in Margineda. According to one site, this is the largest bridge in the medieval Andorra. Upon my arrival here, I found nothing but solitude. There was only one young woman pausing to take pictures.

In addition to the renovated stone bridge, there is nothing else. It's very hard to see this old bridge. Some of the road is overgrown with grass. There is a path across the street. Hiking trails. An information board explains that on the other side there are several species of plants that can grow in cold and damp chalk.

Down the village of Encamp and La Massana

The next destination I visited was the village of Encamp and La Massana. You can take a bus or taxi to get to the two villages. What is interesting about this village is the quiet atmosphere. There is rarely a passing vehicle. The houses and buildings were made of stone, small, decorated with flowers by the window. In the dining area some people were sitting relaxed on the benches outside.

Interesting attractions in both villages are two hanging gondolas to transport skiers. Although not the ski season, in the summer, the gondola still works because on the mountain, there are restaurants that are still open. From up there we can see the spectacular scenery.

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