Plan Traveling With Instagram, This Secret

When do the traveling for the first time, do you remember what happened? Surely you do the planning that was so mature and complete, so that the first trip did not disappoint.

However, it turns out you do not have to bother. Many experts advise to use instagram as a planning guide to traveling. Reporting from, here are some steps to plan traveling with instagram app, a new lifestyle and unique. Curious?

1. Find an accurate picture

What you're thinking of visiting a place? Before you go there, try looking through Instagram using the hashtag place. Believe me, this means a very easy and effective.

Maybe you'll find a lot of photos that have been edited, but not a few people to upload photos without edits. This will help you decide if the place is really worth visiting while traveling. No one wants to waste time and money, is not it?

2. Cu ration luggage

Instagram can also help you in this regard. In the same way, which is looking through the hashtag, you can see what is often used by the traveler.

For example, many people go to Morocco using a scarf; you can use this guide to bring everything needed, such as a scarf.

3. Find various tips

Before going to a place, you also have to figure out what needs to be visible and accessible at the venue. As an authentic restaurant which serves food treat or places most frequented by tourists.

4. Determine the best time to go

Via Instagram, you can also find out when the best time to go somewhere. For example, you want to try a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia, Turkey, and then try to find out when a cold or the wind is not so strong.

Traveling is something fun to do, then find a variety of things that can make your travels. Good luck!

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