Mombasa Beach Hotels - Top 10 Beach Hotels in Mombasa Kenya

The first transition Beach Resort
Abit theme of the ocean can stretch, but travelers can take a happy life as a truly exceptional luxury of Nyala. The service is comprehensive, all-inclusive pricing, personnel and drilling, and the wide beach where, if you really need a break. Mombasa Beach holiday in its own price range $ 185/260, S / 230 / 310 USD this season season.
Second Beach Hotel Nyala
Beach tourism is the main competition, when there is further scope, and to provide more items you need to stay in practice, only a week to verify all the different restaurants and bars in the South. Last Sunday barbecue by the pool, the government surprisingly good price 650 price range Nyala Beach Hotel U.S. 118 / 144 / 184 / 234 dollars, $ 2015 season in Taiwan.
Third Nyala Beach Resort
A good choice if you want to enjoy Europe in Kenya do not have a price on the beach. It is so luxurious resort hotel in the here, but still has a restaurant, bar, games room (02:59 min for the benefit of the team). Please give in Helsinki, Finland, any errors of time to show your records. Workstation is the price tag Nyala beach holiday in Kenya shillings from the 3500/5800 S / D is Bikenniya shillings 4500/6800 season and their 5500 shillings less.
(4) Bahar Beach Hotel
In all major overview of this complex Makuto form of low-level map of Germany, for advanced coral rock beaches separated effectively. Jama, as the Italian restaurant, a feature particularly useful. Bahar Beach Hotel prices from Kenya shillings from the 4700/7100 S / D off-season and 5500/8100 season 先令.
Fifth Engler For Fun
Connaught have turned shopping mall, a long-term attractiveness of the Indian mole hall, ceramic tile quiet and comfortable hotel, fully equipped. Lobster restaurants, banks, provided in the hotel dining room. Travel along the cliff walk to Mombasa beach hotel. Price 2000/2800 Shilling S / D ratio in the season 3500/4200 season is small, and CS.
Sixth Roger Hotel
Instead, she lost in the hotel, apparently a "Mediterranean club" atmosphere, although some people a few years. Fortunately, the decor is better preserved and the relatively low number of Kenyans so popular, and foreign tourists. Dollars in the off-season rates improvisation S / D 59/88 60/815 per season.
Seventh glory Villa
Unfortunately, the budget version of the mile, this complex is part of the Empire strange glory of the new shopping center conical tower. The guest apartment is a place of prayer and dedication. 34 furniture can eat some friends in 1970. If the long list of things that are not really believe in the management of staff, and even suggested not to leave valuables in the hotel: Beach Nyala 15 minutes. Shanghai 800 Kenyan shillings price range of 1200-2000 grams, apartments Kenyan Shilling 3000th

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