Places of Interest in Africa Required

Africa has always been synonymous with savannas and the lives of the wild animals as it has been raised on television. So also what is in the minds of many people when imagining the African continent? True indeed if in Africa there are many national parks and nature reserves, but Africa is the same as other continents that have modern life. There are also buildings that hold great history that is worth exploring. Here are some reference places in Africa that can be snooped.


Olumo Rock

Olumo Rock Beautiful scenery served by Olumo Rock and every visitor can also ride the elevator to climb this large stone. Right in Nigeria or a town called Abeokuta; this tourist attraction seems to be a witness to the history of tribal war that occurred in the 19th century. This stone is the place of refuge for the people around there during the war.

For the search process of this place, usually visitors need to climb the man-made stairs in the rock. There will be guide services that will share their knowledge for tourists who come about all the history behind Olumo Rock and to enter here only need to pay 700 Naira only. 

Freedom Park Lagos

Freedom Park Lagos this is a place where all visitors can enjoy the variety of entertainment that makes a holiday in Africa, especially in Nigeria, will not be easily forgotten. Tourists can watch football action, live music, dance, and other beautiful scenery. In this area there is also an amphitheater that will certainly add to the excitement in spending time in this park. Greek drama is a spectacle that will be presented when coming to the amphitheater.

Not only the amphitheater, there are also some food courts that will serve various tastes of visitors, even for vegetarians are also available culinary that can be tasted. This place has four entrances, but only three are used in the meantime. For entry fee, per head is charged between 200-500 Naira and parking for the same fee.


Fort Jesus in Mombasa

Fort Jesus in Mombasa Located in the port area of ​​Mombasa, this tourist attraction also known as Fort Jesus is truly magnificent and visitors will be able to look inside to find out all the authenticity that exists in the armory tower. Other attractions not to be missed are fantastic performances by using stunning sound effects and lights with the theme of depictions of struggle in the building of the castle. In a week, the event is held every three nights. Below is a list of fees charged to visitors by the museum that is open daily from 8 am to 6 pm?

Adult visitors who are not locals: 1200 KES.
Visitors of non-local children: 600 KES.
An adult visitor who is an East African: 400 KES.
Visitors to children who are East Africans: 200 KES.
Mature Kenyan visitors: 200 KES or.
Visitors to Kenyan children: 100 KES.

Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park the travelers who like the animals, really Amboseli is an elephant park. The reason why this is known as the elephant park because it is the elephant is the type of animal that dominates this location. With an area of ​​about 400 square kilometers, Amboseli which is just 4 hours from Nairobi not only has big elephants, but also a bull, impala, wildebeest, and zebra horses. Even the cheetah is also visible to the eye occasionally. The scenery of the animals is amazing, but the surrounding natural scenery is no less superior and captivating with the appearance of Mount Kilimanjaro whose peak looks covered with snow. The peak of the mountain will be pink with the color of the mountain which also turns into dark purple at the arrival of dawn. Below is a list of ticket fees in Amboseli.

Adult visitor: USD 90.
Visitors of children and students: USD 55

Masai Mara National Reserve

Masai Mara National Reserve When setting foot in Kenya, another national park that can be colonized, the Masai Mara is indeed very famous for her elephant herd, and there is also a white tiger, lions, and a collection of zebras. The beauty of this area is truly remarkable, making it a favorite tourist spot in the world.

Adult visitors are not Kenyans: inside the park - USD 70 and outside park USD 80.
Visitors of non-Kenyan children: in the park - USD 40 or and outside the park USD 45
Adult student visitors are not Kenyans: USD 40
Visitors to non-Kenyan children: USD 20.

South Africa 

Kruger National Park

Kruger National ParkPurana is very identical with life on the African continent can be witnessed directly by visiting the Kruger National Park. The area is so vast, wild animal wild variety inhabits this park. This is a tourist site that is often used for the making of films with the theme of tourism and with the purpose of education; even a lot of research took this place as well.

While in this large park, visitors should be accompanied by a guide because it is very vulnerable to wild animal attacks. For hours of operation information and also entry fee can be seen directly on the official website because this park has different opening hours every month following the entry fee. 

Durban Beach

Durban Beach Tourists who are very hobby surfing or indeed a professional surfers, Durban Beach is a suitable tourist attraction to stop off. High waves are not the only advantage of this resort, but there is also Ushaka Marine World which is included from the largest playground in the world. To enjoy the sea world, here is the schedule of operations and ticket cost information.

Visitors to children under 3 years are free of charge.
Visitors to children ages 3 to 12: R122.
Adult visitors over 12 years of age: R165.
Visitors to elderly people over 61 years of age: R122.
Open schedules are from Monday to Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm.


Soweto Soweto is an urban area of ​​Johannesburg, Gauteng and one of the places that can be added to your tour list. This is because there is a lot of knowledge that can be obtained from this place, such as the culture of the population of Africa is still very maintained and thick.

Visitors will be able to see the life experiences of the residents there who are simple but full of happiness. The unique that can also be obtained from Soweto is a typical handicraft and can be purchased in this place.


Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai Local and foreign tourists make this place as one of the favorite tourist attractions in Egypt. Being part of the history of religion, of course this site becomes more popular and the mountain is also considered as the highest peak in the city of Saint Katherine’s there are places of worship, both mosques and churches.

When traveling in this place, not only the scenery that can make us fascinated, but this place will remind us all of history where Allah SWT pour revelation to the Prophet Moses.

Red Sea

Red Sea because the name of the Red Sea, indeed many of us who finally imagine that the color of the sea is really red. However, actually the color of this sea is blue like the sea in general and it seems the word "reed" that makes many people confused because the English of the reeds is then even in read "red".

If you have a chance, try to dive and see the beauty of this seafloor, especially when it is the season where the reed plants grow with fertile. Diving attractions may be a favorite attraction while visiting the Red Sea. In addition to the sea view that can soothe the soul, there are various types of fish that are visible by our sight and do not forget the coral reefs are also full of charm. So, for maximum satisfaction while in Africa, come to Egypt to get an exciting experience in the Red Sea. 


Luxor One more tourist attractions that will answer all the curiosity of travelers to history, and this time is the history of Egypt. Located in South Heliopolis, Luxor is known as an ancient city where there are open museums, tombs, ruins of temple buildings, and monuments that also contain Egyptian history.

There are so many interesting objects in this place that the cost of entry is also different, ranging from 20 to 100 LE. With so many historical objects in Luxor, this is the reason why Luxor's economy is based on this one.


The Lalibela Church

Lalibela Church in Africa, especially north of Ethiopia, Lalibela is known as a small city and the city is perfectly normal. Only, apparently this small town is storing an amazing site, the underground church that was built with the lack of technology around the 12th century. Upon entering this church area, there will be a religious ornament filling the corners of the church room plus a layer of wood, brass and gold that coats other ornaments.

The pilgrims who come there will be greeted by some regular priests every day sitting in the church reading the Bible. There is also a mysterious room that seems rather horrible because it is dusty and dark; it was a room filled with many bones which were the bones of the monks' bodies there and the priests and monks in this church regarded it as a sacred object. See also the Bible with the original handwritten text of the monk and this Bible is made with goat skin as its main ingredient.

Open from 6 am to 12 noon, and then continue from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Visitors to children ages 9 to 13: USD 25.
Adult visitor: USD 50.
Visitors of children under 9 years old and Ethiopians without a foreign passport will not be charged



Marrakech Built around the 11th century, this city actually has another name, namely Red City, and this is certainly because the red color dominates most of the building. Historic tours and museums and not to forget the architectural buildings is an advantage offered by this city. Overall, the city is required to enter the list of destinations while in Morocco because the following is a series of attractions that will please you.

Majorelle Garden. This tour is the most complete plant tourism because any kind of plants that exist in the world can be found in this place. In this park also tourists will be able to gain more insight from the museum of Islamic art.

Traditional Market Souks. When visiting Morocco, then do not miss a typical souvenir from this country by dropping into this one traditional market. Traded goods are negotiable and the bargaining process can be done in English because the traders are quite fluent as well. Shopping in this market is also more easily just because the merchant has given a price tag on each item.

Koutobia Mosque. Although the place of worship, but this mosque is known exactly as the Eiffel of Morocco because the mosque is not like a mosque in general. There are colorful lights decorate this building and will be more beautiful when visitors come at night. Another advantage of this place is the garden is very neat and beautiful that became part of the page of this mosque.

Dades Valley

Dades Valley to complete an exciting holiday experience while in Morocco, do not forget to enjoy the Dades Valley or Dades Valley that will provide a different atmosphere. The beautiful views of the valley will make the mood better. The combination of a number of plants that have turned white, fresh green grass, and rocky hills into its own charm.

There is a challenging experience to try if this valley, the road Tizi n Tichka that adrenaline rush because the road in the Atlas Mountains is so steep and a lot of rocks. The real road into the connecting road between Marrakech and Ouarzazate is in the Dades Gorge that can be passed by the visitors who are hungry for the challenge.


Fes this is the biggest city that will catch our attention when set foot in Morocco. Being one of the cities of tourism other than Marrakech, certainly there are various things offered by the city that has a long history of this. Old Medina is the most recommended because it is here where travelers can get various souvenirs made by the people of Fes himself.

Examples of souvenirs that fit to take home are shoes, leather bags, copper and brass souvenirs, ceramics, rugs, jackets and many others. Fountains, mosques, monuments and royal parks can also be visited while in the city of Fes and feel the sensation of different time walking in the afternoon.


Chobe National Park

Chobe National Park This national park is one of the parks that should not be missed when going to Africa. Located just off the border of Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Zambia, there are approximately 50,000 elephants who occupy this great park. To observe the animals there is easier; visitors are advised to come to Chobe around the summer only, which means around April to October. These days there will be many animals that gather at the edge of the river so it is easier for us to watch them.

Visitors who are residents are charged: BWP 30.
Visitors who are residents of Botswana are charged: BWP 10
Visitors who are not residents there alias foreign tourists are charged: BWP 70.

Kalahari Nature Reserve

Kalahari Nature Reserve If you want to visit and occasionally feel like what nature reserve in Africa, in Botswana is the right place where the area is about 53 thousand square kilometers which is much larger than Massachusetts or twice as much, and that is the reason why this place obtained the second largest ranking in the world. Many things can be found and observed in mini-sanctuaries, such as the basic river that has been formed from ancient times, salt gardens, and of course the open plains are so great.

The shape of the reserve land located in the Botswana desert area has bushes and grasses. Large trees also contribute to the plains populated by wild animals that we often watch from television. In this place visitors will be satisfied to watch eagles, sibga, cheetahs, giraffes, hyenas, leopards, wild dogs, boars and other animals that roam. For thousands of years, this sanctuary is inhabited by a primitive tribe known as the Bushmen Tribe and they are still milling about in the reserve area and known as the Nomad Hunter is a Bushmen tribe.

Foreign visitors who want to stay overnight are charged: USD 37.
Visitors who want to enter the nature reserve area are charged: USD 14.
Visitors who want to camp in the wilderness area are charged: USD 23.


Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park Due to the abundance of national parks in Africa, there is nothing wrong to explore also the Serengeti National Park which is a wild place for wild animals living in large grassland. This national park includes the oldest national park and many people already know about the millions of annual migrating Wildebeests, as well as zebras, deer and predators. With an area of ​​about 13 thousand square kilometers, on this earth Serengeti National Park became one of the most natural ecosystems.

Non-Tanzanian visitors aged 16 years and over are charged: USD 60.
Visitor children and non-Tanzanian students aged 5 to 16 years are charged: USD 20.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Ngorongoro Conservation Area There are other attractions in Tanzania that are not less beautiful and also fun to be a holiday, the conservation area called Ngorongoro which is located in the northwestern part of Tanzania. The visitors will be able to see the old volcano that has formed the crater because it has collapsed and there is a natural forest formed on the side of the crater. This becomes an area where diverse wildlife lives and lives in it. Moreover, there is also the discovery of ancient human skeletons in this area and human footprints that are very old age, which is 3.5 million years more.

An adult visitor is charged: USD 60.
Visitors to children age 5 to 17 years are charged: USD 20
To descend the crater with a vehicle charged: USD 300.

Thus the sights in Africa are really interesting to be a holiday destination when setting foot in the African countries. When the opportunity to enjoy African air, not only its historic buildings are worthy of consideration, but you also need to watch firsthand what is usually only seen from the television, the wild life of various African animals.

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