Tour packages in birthplace of James Bond

James Bond movie in the 24th, Specter, starring actor Daniel Craig, was released in early November 2015. James Bond is a fictional character created by the author of the origin of the birth of the United Kingdom 1908, Ian Fleming.

If you are a big fan of the figure secret agent 007 coded United Kingdom, you can take a vacation to a place on this one. The place was named Golden Eye located in Jamaica. From the name alone you can already look at the relation to James Bond (Golden Eye is also one of the James Bond films).

Golden eye is a resort place Ian Fleming wrote 14 James Bond novels. Celebrate the launch of the latest James Bond film, the resort offers packages stay 4 nights called ' Golden Eye Revisited '.

This package includes breakfast, tours and fishing rods with traditional canoe made of wood. Where, the catch is you will be cooked by the chef, and met with Ramsey Dacosta that was Ian Fleming's gardener.

As reported by the website of In Style on Saturday (21/11/202), the price offered was US $ 4374 for a period of stay of up to 14 December 2015 and US $ 5310 stay for the period to March 31, 2016.

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