Beach House Resort : Bali's Favorite name was Noted in the world

Beach House Resort - TripAdvisor Announces 10 top island in the world through Travellers ' Choice Awards2015. In 10 of the island's name, Bali is still so seventh favorite in the world. Beach House Resort

These awards include election to the 100 islands in the Caribbean, AfricaAsia, Europe, South America, South PacificUnited Kingdom and United States. This annual award is chosen based on the reviews and opinions of TripAdvisor traveler millions around the world. Beach House Resort

"Community traveler we have found the best island in the world, the perfect escape to the island, whether You want to lie on the beach or are looking for adventure," saysBarbara Messing us Beach House Resort
These award winners are determined using an algorithm that takes into accountbetween the quantity and quality of reviews and ratings for hotels, restaurants and attractions on the Islands around the world. All this is done over the past 12 months. Beach House Resort

In contrast to previous years, this year's Bali entered into the top 10 best island in the world and ranked 7th. Beach House Resort

While the island of Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos Islands cluster, which last year was in the order of the 2nd now perched on the first position. While the island that occupies the top position last year, Ambergris Caye in Belize this year not to get into the top 10Beach House Resort

Here are 10 of the top Island in the world, TripAdvisor's versionBeach House Resort

1. Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Beach House Resort

2. Maui, Hawaii Beach House Resort

3. Roatan, Honduras Beach House Resort

4. Santorini, Greece Beach House Resort

5. Ko Tao, Thailand Beach House Resort

6. Madeira, Portugal Beach House Resort

7. Bali, Indonesia Beach House Resort

8. Mauritius, Africa Beach House Resort

9. Bora Bora, French Polynesia Beach House Resort

10. Fernando de Noronha, Brazil Beach House Resort

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